來源:發布時間:2020-07-16 16:49:00點擊率:
1*不揮發份/Non volatile content
金屬含量/Metal content
2*水面遮蓋力/Water coverage
3*篩余物/Sieve residue
4*平均粒徑/D-50value,Particle size(mean particle diameter)
The determination of the particle size by laser granulometry is not standardized.The D 50- values shown in the tables are determined by "Sympatec"particle size analyser.
色相(限于銅金粉顏料) Colour shades(for Bronze Pigments)
青金 Rich Gold
青紅金 Rich Pale Gold
紅金 Pale Gold
古銅 Copper
黃金 Gold
青黃金 Green Gold
上一篇: 國內水性鋁銀漿行業發展預測
下一篇: 歡迎選購大自然水性鋁銀漿及水性銅金漿